Sunday 13 April 2014


First attempt, if you remember, scored me 15 laps and included a spectacular wipeout which I'm really quite proud of :)

Second attempt, one week later, was a fall-free 16 laps.  I assume the same speed, but with the focus I clearly didn't have the first time round, and no subsequent face plant.

Third attempt was EIGHTEEN AND A HALF.  (The half is important to me).  That's two and a half whole laps up from last time!!

This week felt a lot better.  Unlike last time, where it felt more fun-and-games, this time I was really working hard from start to finish.  I zoned out and wobbled once or twice as I got more tired, but corrected myself and pushed for more speed on the straights.  I also had some of the faster newbies to chase, which was a great boost, and the senior DollyRockits keeping count and yelling tips and encouragement.  All of this really helped.

I also think it was at least partly to do with my crossover prediction.  In last week's lesson I did manage to do a few crossovers, and although I didn't feel confident enough to attempt them at high speed yet, I positioned my legs and worked my feet as if I was going to step into a crossover, and when I got it right I felt the difference.  Less sliding of the wheels, and less loss of speed on the corners.  In fact there were several points where I thought to myself that I really should have stepped because I felt so stable.

This bodes well, and I am proud of myself, and very tired, and I going to go eat some crispy cakes now as a reward.

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