Sunday, 27 April 2014

New skates, new challenges!

So this happened...

This week, my new skates arrived!  They are Sure-Grip Rebels, good for wider feet like mine.  I got them second-hand from the Recyclables Facebook page, and they came almost totally unused with snouts and gumball toestops included!  I'm so excited they're finally here (and that they're purple. I secretly wanted purple ones but didn't want to be superficial about it).  

Today was my first go on them.  So how were they?


Friday, 25 April 2014

Skate maintenance 101

How skates work, what all the bits do, and the basics of how to make sure they are in good working order and don't fall off.  Info courtesy of King Typical.  Warning: contains copious amounts of diagrams!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The gimpy foot saga continues...

So, I've been to the physiotherapist, and despite my misgivings (I have the classic British trait of not complaining about a medical problem unless a limb's actually dropped off) it was very helpful.  I have an explanation, and I have a plan...

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Skill update: Week 10

I think it's week 10.  I really have no idea any more, but I'm going to say it's week 10.  SO...

This week's training was directed by us newbies!  We picked what skills we most wanted to work on, and our two senior Dollies would drill us through it.  It was a really good way to break up the flow of learning something new every week, and everyone was able to tackle their problem areas with one-on-one advice from the Dollies so we all made great strides in some of our most challenging new skills.

My feelings about what I achieved today are kind of akin to playing a video game:

Baby flamingo acquires clipboard - Scorekeeping

Fun news.  The advanced level Dollies practise tonight included some special guests.  We had the most excellent Judge Fredd reffing with our skating officials, and also a visiting reporter from a local radio station.  Fun times all round!  We also managed to get a full contingent of skaters, which meant we could do proper scrims rather than directed ones (which are still useful, but less fun for me to watch!)  We also had loads of people to take turns refereeing and NSO-ing.  I've been manning the penalty box for the past few weeks, but after our recent lesson on Scorekeeping and Line-up tracking I really wanted to have a go with some paperwork.  This was the perfect time!

Sunday, 13 April 2014


First attempt, if you remember, scored me 15 laps and included a spectacular wipeout which I'm really quite proud of :)

Second attempt, one week later, was a fall-free 16 laps.  I assume the same speed, but with the focus I clearly didn't have the first time round, and no subsequent face plant.

Third attempt was EIGHTEEN AND A HALF.  (The half is important to me).  That's two and a half whole laps up from last time!!

This week felt a lot better.  Unlike last time, where it felt more fun-and-games, this time I was really working hard from start to finish.  I zoned out and wobbled once or twice as I got more tired, but corrected myself and pushed for more speed on the straights.  I also had some of the faster newbies to chase, which was a great boost, and the senior DollyRockits keeping count and yelling tips and encouragement.  All of this really helped.

I also think it was at least partly to do with my crossover prediction.  In last week's lesson I did manage to do a few crossovers, and although I didn't feel confident enough to attempt them at high speed yet, I positioned my legs and worked my feet as if I was going to step into a crossover, and when I got it right I felt the difference.  Less sliding of the wheels, and less loss of speed on the corners.  In fact there were several points where I thought to myself that I really should have stepped because I felt so stable.

This bodes well, and I am proud of myself, and very tired, and I going to go eat some crispy cakes now as a reward.


All roller derby games have a theme.  And we were in the pub.  And this happened...

Why do I get the feeling I'm going to end up on yet another creative team?

Jason says Lean

This week we had another lesson from the excellent Jason, who taught us the essentials of backwards skating and crossovers.  I've been hankering to learn crossovers for weeks now and I DID SOME!!  I PUT MY FOOT OVER MY OTHER FOOT AND DIDN'T FALL DOWN AND DID IT ABOUT TEN TIMES AND IT WAS AMAZING!!!  I FEEL LIKE A BALLERINA!!!

Now to do it in the other direction -_-

Newbie training: Week 7

So, I've reached week seven (Seven?  Eight?  Who knows any more) of roller derby newbie training.  I feel like it's worth doing a little check-in of what's been going on, the joys and trials of taking up a new hobby/sport/activity/thing, what I've learned, and what I want to work on next.

How not skating can make you skate better - NSOing

The flamingos are relevant.  I promise...

Our two hours of weekly training has been extended to three.  Somehow I managed not to be aware that this was going to happen, although I'm sure somebody must have mentioned it at some point.  At any rate, it makes little difference to me as the fact that I go to church (fortunately in the late afternoon!) means I cannot stay for this extra hour and probably won't be able to for most of the year (the exception being summer when the church times will change to account for the lack of students).

Right now this extra hour is being used for 'Derby Brain', where we learn the rules and strategy of the game.  This is kind of important stuff, and I need to learn it, so I have come up with a Cunning Plan.


To graduate up to the next level of roller derby training, one of the requirements is to skate 25 laps in 5 minutes.

Until this week, I didn't realise just how many laps that is.

Actually I'm pretty pleased with myself, because on my first ever attempt I clocked 15 laps.  Considering that four weeks ago my roller skating technique looked and sounded like a nervous penguin wearing high-heeled shoes, or Bambi On Ice (you know, like this) I think this is a very respectable first try.  I even fell down (on my first lap, no less), skidding into a marvellous four-point-slide, but managed to control the landing and jump straight back up to skate on.  With all this in mind, what is that is that lap score, Scottie?

Damn straight :)

My gimpy foot and me

Most of the skating techniques we'll learn will mean standing with all our weight on one leg (the 'support leg') while doing an action with the other leg ('action leg', unsurprisingly).  The most basic form of this is gliding, which is balancing on one foot while in motion, and it's an essential skill.

However.  I am a special snowflake.

During our first lesson on gliding I discovered something... well, just really weird.  Most people will start a glide and travel in a roughly  straight line.  I glide on my right foot ... and make a beautiful arc to the left (admittedly this is very handy for going round the ends of the track!)  When I stand on my left foot ... I can barely do it for more than a second without toppling to the right.  Some further investigation and a reluctant visit to the doctor revealed that I have a dazzling future career as part of Monty Python's Ministry Of Silly Walks.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Ro-lloller De-berby

A new sport has entered our house - Roller Derby.  My housemate took it up in the middle of last year, I watched a couple of bouts (games), and now I find myself on my third session of learning to skate.  For those that don't know of roller derby it's kind of a cross between skating races and the gauntlet on Gladiators.  Two teams are on the track at once, each with a 'jammer' and four 'blockers.  Points are gained by the jammer completing as many laps as possible within two minutes, but to do so they have to fight their way through the four blockers of the opposing team.

I just can't seem to stop drawing skaters

I'm not really a fan of sport. At all.  But for some reason I really like watching this game.  Part of it's the quick pace and the atmosphere of theatre and entertainment that's created around it (there's usually music playing during the game, live commentary, and the skaters have their own larger-than-life personas on track), but a lot of it is to do with the girls themselves...